001: Death and...
It is said that there are gods residing in various places and items in Japan. Mountains, sea, land, water, fire, all sorts of things, apparently even a toilet? Gods exist in such everyday things.
Is there a place or item without a God? Are there more Gods inhabiting power figures than humans? Is that how Gods are omniscient? Furthermore, humans don’t know what God looks like. That includes me. Of course I have never seen a God. A thing that will exist that no one will ever see, an object of worship.
So what is a God?
Luckily or unluckily, I met one at the age of 27. In a pure white space with nothing around me, there seems to be a God.
My name is Yuji Inaka. A 27 year old single salaryman working in the food industry. I’m not divorced, I never even had a girlfriend. I live alone in my apartment. Is this regrettable? Is it bad to be envious of flirting high school students in the city? What should I have done differently?
I didn’t aim for my current solitude, I entered a reasonably good high school, and went on to a reasonably good university. I was able to enjoy my student life with no difficulty. I can’t say that I would change any decisions from my student years.
After graduating, I got a job at a moderately large food company. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, and because I live alone, I have time to experiment with elaborate dishes. I had some interest in food and thought that was me ideal career prospect. Before I realized it, I had passed five years working in that company…
In retrospect, I wonder if I had gotten into a habit of overwork? Normally, I worked at a reasonable pace, but the company got quite busy recently. I was working from morning till night, and I was always hustling during work. Where did my spare time and reasonable sleeping time disappear to?
At the end of a particularly bad week, I was walking back to my apartment. My company has been quite busy recently, the curse of a growing company, I guess. Until we can bring on more people, we will continue to work these hours. I know working hard now could lead to a good position in the future, but this is unsustainable.
One of my colleagues came down sick this week, and there must have been a mistake in planning that led to my week’s schedule being so busy. Fortunately, my company doesn’t want to make this week the new normal, and my sick co-worker looks to be ready to work again next week.
“I don’t want to work so much anymore. Let’s get back to the countryside.” Yuji
It was when I was walking on my way back home, wandering listlessly in exhaustion.
I hear a loud engine sound to my side. That truck should deal with it’s own problems, leave me alone. I quickly lose interest and start walking.
“Hey! It’s dangerous!”, someone shouted from behind me.
I ignore them, I’m almost home and can’t wait to fall alseep in my bed.
“It’s dangerous!”, they scream again.
What’s their problem?
When I turned to look at who’s shouting, a large truck was rapidly approaching.
“Eh?” Yuji
I see the truck barrelling at me as if the world had decided to run at 10% speed.
I often see videos where people are run over by cars, and I always thought I would just jump to the side if I was in that situation. However, this was way too close for dodging. Also, I am quite exhausted.
In the driver’s seat is a middle-aged man who has fallen asleep. Why is he overworked too? I want to think it’s exhaustion. I don’t want to think about drunk driving on the clock. While going down that train of thought, a truck of overwhelming size came ever closer.
Is there a utility pole nearby to duck behind? Did it run away already?
Oh, I’m just too worn out. If I was in good shape, I’d have noticed the truck earlier and moved out of the way.
If only I hadn’t worked so hard, but I’m so drained.
Once I’m reborn, I’ll just live in the countryside happily.
And with that thought… I died.
I woke up in a pure white space. White that is goes on infinitely in all directions. I can’t see any walls. Seems the afterlife isn’t cold, actually a bit on the warm side, but not hot.
It seems the consciousness of Yuji Inaka is sticking around, somehow.
Is this heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Some sort of reincarnation waiting room?
“Oh? What’s this doing here?” old man
The mystery deepens, I can now hear the voice of an old man coming from somewhere.
“Who… Where are you?” Yuji
“Oh, don’t be so worried.” old man
I turned around to face the source of the other voice, and there was an old man with a white beard standing there. He is wearing a brown robe and is gripping a wooden cane in his hand.
What is this old man doing here?
“Where did you come from?” old man
“I was just in Japan on Earth?” Yuji
“Oh, from Earth! Give me a second.” old man
I was wary and after I answered, the old man bonks his hand off of his forehead.
I wonder if going senile? Or is the old man senile.
“Stop being so rude! Hmm… Yuji Inaka?” old man
Eh? Did you read my inner monologue? Are you a god. How do you know my name?
“Indeed, I’m a God! So it’s natural to know your name!” God
I’m speechless. Is this really the situation I’ve found myself in?
“Hmm? Can’t you accept it?” God
“OK, I believe! I believe!” Yuji
“I know you believe, I’m just having a bit of fun.” God
Between the space and the mind reading, I have to be in the presence of a God.
“Well, beyond my Godliness, we should talk about your future.” God
“Understood” Yuji
After I reply, God clears this throat. “Well, you’ve met your end on Earth. This is non-negotiable. Do you want a reminder?”
“Yes, I remember my death.” Yuji
I wasn’t going to be revived after that truck-kun encounter.
“Normally, each world has their own procedures for reincarnation, but for some reason your soul ended up in different world from where you died. I manage a different world from your birthplace.” God
“A Different world?” Yuji
“Correct. It’s the first time I’ve run into a wayward soul. There’s no good way to get you back to your origin world, so you’ll be reincarnating in my world.” God
Seriously? I don’t have the wherewithal to live in a dangerous world full of monsters. Furthermore, is it even a place a human being can live peacefully?
“Oh, you’ll be fine. There are human beings just your original word. It’s pretty safe, though there are some monsters running around.” God
“That sound more dangerous than ‘pretty safe’.” Yuji
“Science isn’t as advanced in my world, instead people use magic instead.” God
Interesting… “Magic?” I just want to spend my time leisurely, not fight in a magician’s war. Is is possible to have a peaceful life in those conditions?
“It’ll be fine. Valuable study… Experiment… You’ll the first person from another world, so I’ll give you a bonus to make your life a little easier.” God
“You just said something like experiment, right?” Yuji
What kind of things are you saying with a beatific smile on your face?
“Don’t worry so much. You’re going to get reincarnated, this is non-negotiable for both of us.” God
The God claims there are no alternatives. Isn’t he enjoying his duty? I’d say his side is the prime beneficiary of this situation.
“Don’t be so miserable.” God
“I don’t get a lot of choice in this matter.” Yuji
“Well, that’s how things go, get on with it.” God
It seems I have no choice but to agree. Then I’ll play the rest by ear. If it’s a dream, I’ll just wake up, or it’s not a dream, so I’ll try to find some leisure time in my next life.
“Hmm, how about I reincarnate you as the Third Prince, the eldest son of the Duke.” God
I seems like my next life is being decided… Wait what was that about a Prince?
“Also, I’ll give you a strong magic aptitude, and I’ll give you one of the ancient magics.” God
Oh, God is generous, but that’s not really what I’m seeking.
“I just want to spend a fun and relaxing time in a countryside, with plenty of time to enjoy nature… Can I get a life like that?” Yuji
“Really? You want such a pedestrian life?” God
“Yes, that’s what I’m set on.” Yuji
“Then you’ll be the second son of the lord of the village named Koriat, abundant in natural beauty.” God
“That sounds perfect.” Yuji
“Good, now what kind of magical ability would you like?” God
“Can you give me a minute to think on it?” Yuji
“That’s fine” God
What kind of ability should I ask for? Large area-wide magic from a game? Healing magic? Barrier magic? No, any of those would make me stand out and get me into trouble. I aim to live peacefully.
I’ll be living in the countryside, as the second son of the local lord. I should think of a complementary magical ability. I don’t need firepower, I can use regular magic abilities for offense. Living in the countryside as part of the aristocracy, I should have plentiful spare time. Even then, there should be some disadvantage to living in the countryside…
The good sides of living in the countryside. First of all, the land isn’t heavily populated. Nature is close by, and the area is beautiful. Great for outdoor activities! Besides, the food is fresh and the air is delicious. Summer nights are cool and the stars are visible in multitude. Residents work together and are friendly. Well, I didn’t get any of that in the city. Take me to the countryside now!
Are all countrysides like this?
On to the bad sides of countryside living… Low paying jobs, haggling with items instead of paying with money. Potentially, many old people. Few medical professionals. Crop damage by animals such as monkeys and boars. What worries me are natural disasters, how long would emergency assistance take to arrive. Also, how long it takes to visit bigger cities?
Well, that’s the pros and cons from Japan, and that may not hold in another world. I wonder how different it will be? No matter the time period, the biggest problem is transportation? I doubt there’s a motorcycle or car. I wonder if there’s a way to Move by magic? Move… Transport… Warp? Is there such magic?
“I’ve decided now, God” Yuji
When I looked around to speak with God, I spotted him sitting on tatami mats, eating rice crackers from a table.
“Hmm? Have you decided?” He swirls his tea and stands up.
As he stands up, the table disappears.
“Is there a magic that allows you to cover long distances in an instant?” Yuji
“Hm? What about Spatial Magic? That allows a person to be transferred to almost any location in an instant. It is one of the Ancient Magics.” God
“OK, can you ask me to bestow me with Spatial Magic?” Yuji
“Hmm, most people would go for something flashy. I thought you would want some impressive magic.” God
“Using spatial magic, you can escape in case of emergency, you can also travel far away quickly, such as to go shopping or commodity arbitrage. I would be inconvenienced if there was no doctor or salt or sugar where I live.” Yuji
“I see. It might be perfect for a countryside resident. I’ll grant it now.” God
“Yes, please.” Yuji
“I’ll try to make the transition easy on you.” God
As the God’s smile fades away, my field of view is wrapped in pure white, then my consciousness fades away again.
This time I will spend my time peacefully in the countryside.