Chapter 110: Publication
At this time, the Baron’s greetings were finished and everyone is taking a breather.
“Thank you all for gathering at my son’s wedding today. The couple is delighted with the celebration.” King
Everyone is listening to the King’s words.
“Well, there is another announcement I need to make today.” King
At this point, I started to feel the blood rush to my head.
“What? A war?” Crowd Member A
“That not something he’d announce at a wedding.” Crowd Member B demurred
“Sonaris, please come over here.” King
“Yes, Father.” Sona
“Following the marriage of the Crown Prince, I will announce the engagement of another child, Third Princess Sonaris!” King
“Oh!” The Crowd
The venue turned noisy. All the time, I was just thinking ‘Really? Here? Now?’.
Her fiance is also here at the celebration." King
I’m dreading the next thing he’s going to say.
“Count Patrick von Snake! Patrick, come here.” King
I can hear people in the crowd saying things like ‘What?’, ‘Oh my God!’, ‘Why?’, and ‘Why?!’. All of that was expected, and more.
I have to go since I’ve been called.
“Ha!” Pat says as he starts to walk to the King
I stand next to Her Highness Third Princess Sonaris. While I’m looking at the crowd from the raised platform, I can see their faces clearly. Many of their faces look extremely bitter, but I can spot Dekose with a big grin. I also catch Wayne smiling next to Lieutenant General Simon.
“Patrick, please greet everyone.” King
“I am Count Patrick von Snake, I am pleased to announce that I have been engaged to Her Highness Princess Sonaris.” Pat
“Sona, please give your greeting as well.” King
“I’m Sonaris. I’m happy to be engaged to my beloved.” Sona
Sonaris went with a very simple greeting. I’m surprised she emphasized that she was marrying the person she chose. When I glanced back at His Majesty, he grinned. It seems he planned this like a prank on me.
He looks back at Sonaris with a broad smile, I’m guessing he let her know about this ahead of time.
“Sonaris is only 13 years old, so she will be married on her 15th birthday, a little over a year from now.” King
So, my wedding date has been decided. After that, I enjoyed the reception without too much jealousy from the other nobles before the reception ended.
“Now, what the hell am I supposed to do? I’ve got to figure out who has become my enemy from envy.” Pat
An upstart aristocrat is engaged to a member of the Royal Family. It’s not hard to imagine that some houses will end up destroyed from the actions they take in the near future.