Chapter 002: Blown Away
I couldn’t tell you how many orcs I slew, but I know that the back of my head is still throbbing.
I looked at the corpse of an orc lying on the ground next to the corpse of one of my fellow soldiers. While the original group of orcs had been annihilated, it seems we weren’t done yet.
A new orc, three meters tall, emerged from the distance holding a large axe like a lumberjack.
“An orc king…” Soldier mutters

“Archers! Fire arrows at it!” Unit Captain shouts
The archers hurriedly nock arrows and fire, but even though the arrows hit the orc king, they fail to even leave a mark.
“What? You’ve gotta be kidding me! How tough is the bastard?” Soldier
“Keep it up, we’ve got to do something!” Unit Captain
The orc king walks over slowly but steadily, then swings his axe overhead and slams it down on a soldier. The soldier attempted to block the axe with his sword, but the sword fails to slow the axe and the soldier’s head explodes like a overripe fruit.
It was a scene straight out of hell. The orc king swings again and another soldier is flattened while the rest of the soldiers scatter.
“Eyes! Aim at the eyes!” Unit Captain
The archers and spearmen follow the captain’s command, but the Orc King is tall and too tough to injure.
“Well, is there anything I can use?” Pat
I look around the battlefield while spouting lines that belong in a soliloquy. I spy an axe on the ground that was carried previously by a large orc. I rush over to it, then sneak behind the final orc.
I’ve got to hope that this Achilles tendon isn’t too tough!
I swing at the left ankle of the orc king like I’m teeing off with a golf club.

“Augh!” Orc King
The orc king screams in pain and drops his left knee to the ground.
“It worked!” Pat shouts
I couldn’t help but exclaim something at my success.
“Pat, get away!” Wayne shouts
Before I could move, the axe of the orc king is swinging at me.
What? I thought I was behind him? When did he swing around!
Without a moment to think, I rush toward the orc king. I succeed in missing the blade of the axe, instead taking the handle in my side.
I’m blown away, but before darkness claims me, I can see my fellow soldiers piercing the orc king’s eyes with their spears.