042: Chapter 3 ~ Allen's Anguish and Charlotte's Challenge ③
I’m trying a reduced schedule to see if I can keep to that schedule. I may end up adding in some bonus chapters at some point in the future.
I’ve already harvested strawberries and radishes from my garden.
Erika and Myaha look at each other, then sigh.
“Nyaa, it’s so silly.” Myaha
“That was worthless!” Erika
“What are you two saying? I’m seriously worried!” Allen
Allen stands up in response to Myaha’s unworried tone. Erika is taking the time to stroke her chin in thought.
“It’s rare for Charlotte to ask for such a thing. If she was caught, it would be terrible, so she’d normally not want to venture out.” Erika
“Oh… you seemed to notice that fact as well.” Allen
Charlotte had made a bitter smile and said to forget about her request when Allen mentioned that problem. Her lonely look ignited a fire in Allen’s heart. Allen sat back down on the stoop and covers his face.
“When I heard that… I just wanted to make it happen, no matter what.” Allen
“So, security wise, she’s probably not in touch with what she’ll need.” Erika
“Why is my life so complicated?” Allen
Erika and Myaha shrug. Allen has a point, thought his reaction is a bit annoying. They would have predicted something like this when they first saw his state this morning.
With Allen’s magic, no one would recognize Charlotte. Erika persuades him to cast it on Charlotte and let her go alone. In that way, Charlotte is about to leave on her journey.
“Huh? Journey is such an exaggeration. It’s just a 20-minute walk from here to the city.” Erika asks.
That’s not exactly a short distance! What if Charlotte gets in trouble walking through the forest?" Allen
“You’re being an overprotective guardian.” Erika
Erika and Myaha turn their somewhat cold eyes onto Allen.
In actuality, Allen is never far from Charlotte these days. They spend most of their time together except private times, so he can keep an eye on her. He continues to say that she’ll be going into the devil’s cave. Only 20 minutes away on foot, a little over a mile or about two kilometers. Though it was a pretty journey through nature.
But that’s what Charlotte wants… I must allow her to go! It must happen… Allen thinks.
Charlotte is preparing for her departure in the mansion. Allen can’t tell her that she can’t now, since she’s been preparing since this morning.
Allen doesn’t care about other’s opinion of him to any degree, but Charlotte is a special case. He’ll do anything so she won’t be sad.
I’m worried about her more and more recently, what? Allen muses.
He wants her to laugh and doesn’t want to see her crying face. He’s always felt like happiness is better than sadness, but he’s taken more efforts recently to that end.
Allen doesn’t know why she wants to visit the city, but… he’ll try to hurry and figure out how she can visit safely.
While Allen agonizes, Erika makes a amused expression.
“Oh, that’s right… you can easily solve your issue.” Erika
“What?” Allen
“Yes” Myaha nodded as well.
“You want to let her go alone, but are worried… There’s only one path for the Demon King to go down.” Erika
“What I should do…” Allen
Allen ponders for a while before he has an idea.
“Hmm… Should I follow her and watch over her?!” Allen
“So, this person onyaa realizes things when they’re spelled out to that degree.” Myaha
“Look, you don’t need make me look that silly.” Allen
Allen burns with a new determination from the girl’s responses. Today’s activity has been decided.
In the end… Charlotte is going out “alone”.